Saturday, August 20, 2005

Michigan: Great Lakes, Great Times!

This is what the Welcome to Michigan sign says south of Detroit when you enter the state coming from Toledo, Ohio, and boy is it true! It's really nice to be home, or at least in my home state. I arrived yesterday following about 20 hours on 2 different trains and a bus from Boston, Massachusetts. That should have only lasted 17 hours, but took longer because we got stuck waiting for 3 freight trains and one passenger train to pass us and free up the rails so we could enter the station in Toledo. The trouble is, the rails that Amtrak uses are owned by a freight company, and the freight company isn't terribly considerate of the passenger trains. I suppose it's economical that everyone shares the rails, but it's not so good for people who actually need to get somewhere somewhat punctually.

So far here in Canton, Michigan, I've been visiting my brother's family. This involves playing with my niece, eating the best nachos I've had in about 2 years, relaxing by the pool, biking around the neighborhood with my niece, and visiting their lizard Iggy who is in puberty right now.

We also watched a movie this evening, which I highly recommend. It's quite the take on small-town high school life in America. This gem of a film is called Napoleon Dynamite, and had me cracking up like crazy the whole time. I wanted to watch it a second time right after we finished, but since I fell asleep in front of the TV last night and then fell asleep and slept all night with the light in my room on last night, I thought I should be a little more sensible today and maybe just watch this movie again as soon as I wake up in the morning.

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