Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Birthday Party

Today W turned 4, so we had a party. As always on his birthday, the weather was weird, one minute sun, the next minute rain. Just like last year, we were outside enjoying the sun and our cake, then next thing we knew it was pouring and we were running to rescue the cake and the chairs.

I really like this wrapping paper, but am pretty sure that it can't be politically correct, much like this gift that I considered buying, but finally resisted.

I baked a couple of neat cakes. They were a lot of work, but were fantastically sweet and delicious! The bunny cake is an old and pretty easy classic, but the train cake was new to me and rather time consuming. W wished for a blue bunny cake this year. Last year he had 2 brown bunny cakes, and this year I topped myself, replacing the normal construction paper ears with dyed white chocolate ears!

W's cousin G is 5, and he was very impressed with my big new camera. He really wanted to take some pictures, and fortunately my old camera was lying around, so I hung it around his neck and turned him loose. The above three pictures are a few of his shots. I like his work. This young man may just have a career in photography ahead of him!

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